Infrastructure & Public Sector

Mis­sion State­ment

Infrastructure projects and public contracts are of particular importance for the overall economy. Especially in a country with a strong public sector, such as United Kingdom, the fields of infrastructure and procurement are highly relevant to our clients. One of our main focuses is infrastructure: in this area we account for the successful handling of freeway and expressway projects as well as airport, port, large hydro-engineering, power plant, and railway projects. Naturally, we also support classic large-scale construction projects, such as commercial properties, shopping centers, as well as office or residential buildings. Thanks to our know-how and experience in real estate, building and trade law matters as well as with regard to financing and public procurement law both on the side of the contracting authorities and on the bidders’ side, we are experts in the field of infrastructure.

Key Ser­vices and Prac­tice Areas

Traffic In­fra­struc­ture Pro­jects

  • Road, expressway and freeway projects
  • Expansion of public traffic infrastructure in urban areas
  • Railway projects (main railways, high-speed railway lines, railway tunnels, freight terminals, and cross-border railway projects
  • Construction and expansions of airports and aviation-related facilities
  • Waterways, ports, and similar projects
  • Flood protection projects

Urban De­vel­op­ments

  • Advising several Austrian states, cities, and municipalities on urban developments
  • Greenfield and brownfield projects
  • Regional developments including urban construction contracts and regional planning contracts
  • Public private partnership projects, in particular for multi-use developments
  • Development projects, including for multi-functional use (mixed-use development projects for residential / commercial / industrial / touristic purposes)

Pro­ject De­vel­op­ment

  • Advising different stakeholders in connection with large-scale construction projects
  • One-stop-shop advice for project developers, enterprises, and investors in connection with large-scale construction projects, e.g., shopping centers, hotel projects, residential and commercial buildings, DIY and other specialty markets, standalone solutions, logistics, waste management, raw materials industry
  • Advising in zoning proceedings and project configurations
  • Obtaining all necessary permits
  • Tender procedures and awarding contracts for construction and planning services
  • Optimization of real estate in connection with partitioning, separating, and adding subareas
  • Commercial and industrial areas

Due Di­li­gence Re­views

  • Assisting in all public-law aspects of a due diligence process both on the purchaser’s and on the seller’s side

Health In­fra­struc­ture

  • Supporting project development in connection with health infrastructure projects (e.g. construction of hospitals)
  • Procurement of services in the health sector
  • Designing legal forms, cooperation arrangements and contracts for hospitals and health service providers


  • Procurement and state aid issues in connection with real estate projects
  • Developing contract award strategies for bidders and customers
  • Granting of licenses
  • Awarding of supply and service contracts
  • Awarding contracts in-house and intermunicipal cooperation
  • Private public partnerships
  • Innovation partnerships
  • Procurement in the utilities sector

State Aid

  • Review of funding systems and adaptation to state aid issues
  • Developing and drafting of state aids
  • Supporting the notification process
  • Review of contracts, policies, etc. considering state aid law issues

En­ergy Sec­tor

  • Supporting project developments in the energy sector (wind, water, and photovoltaic plants)
  • Approval procedure for small and large-scale power plants
  • Supporting the zoning process for energy plants
  • Electricity management issues in connection with energy plants

Pub­lic Ser­vice Law

  • Public private partnership projects in particular for multi-use developments
  • Development projects, including for multi-functional use (mixed-use development projects for residential / commercial / industrial / touristic purposes)
  • Employment law for public officials and employees of government enterprises
  • Working time and rest period models
  • Transfers; disciplinary proceedings
  • Termination of employment relationships
  • Anti-discrimination, bullying, and discrimination issues
  • Liability of public authorities/officials
  • Business transfers

Free Consultation

Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem
if you ignore it. Let us help you!