Banking & Finance

Mis­sion State­ment

The range of financing sources and financing products is becoming more and more diverse and knows no national borders. At the same time, the regulatory framework is getting tighter and tighter and more often than not tends to conflict with market requirements. Niche products and innovation gain importance and restructurings as well as outsourcings aimed at optimizing structures require specialists who can maintain a legal overview. Our experts’ task is to transform different interests into sustainable products and results in a balanced way, with the focus always being on a solution-oriented approach with clear legal perspectives.

High level of competence in specialist areas and good knowledge of the banking landscape.

Chambers and Partners

Key Ser­vices and Prac­tice Areas

Su­per­vis­ory Law, Fin­an­cial Ser­vices Reg­u­la­tion

  • Transactions aimed at extending and developing new business areas
  • Licenses and approval proceedings under the Austrian Banking Act [BWG] and special laws
  • Supervisory proceedings before the FMA or the ECB
  • Administrative (offence) proceedings
  • Equity requirements and other CRR requirements
  • Compliance

Fin­an­cing and Fin­an­cial In­stru­ments

  • Credit financing, syndicated financing, and structured financing arrangements
  • Acquisition, real estate, and project financing
  • Securitization transactions
  • Factoring
  • Lease transactions
  • Cash pooling
  • ESG / sustainable financing
  • Bonds, loans, derivatives
  • Reorganization financing

Re­struc­tur­ing & Re­or­gan­iz­a­tion

  • Advice on M&A transactions
  • NPL transactions
  • Insourcing and outsourcing, onboarding of external service providers
  • Restructuring and reorganization proceedings
  • Winding-up and reorganization planning
  • Stand-still agreements
  • Restructuring agreements
  • Bail-in and debt equity instruments
  • Limited recourse

Bank­ing Lit­ig­a­tion

  • National and international judicial and arbitral proceedings
  • ADR proceedings
  • Out-of-court settlements
  • Collective actions and class actions
  • Insolvency-law disputes
  • Debt collection
  • Realization of collateral security

Bank­ing Con­tract Law

  • B2B contracts, such as loan, collateral or guarantee agreements
  • B2C contracts, such as account or securities account, credit card or consumer loan agreements
  • General terms and conditions and special product terms and conditions
  • Structuring of banking products
  • eBanking and AppBanking
  • Fin-tech, e-commerce platforms
  • e-money

Free Consultation

Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem
if you ignore it. Let us help you!